You can tint plaster and I commonly do so you don't have to paint. Nail pops happen in both and those are caused by poor hanging mostly so make sure your board hanger is good. Some of the issues you mentioned about drywall also affect plaster. There's quite a bit of bogus info in this thread mixed in with the legit stuff. I could be wrong.who knows? So, can anybody comment on this? Anybody chose plaster in their home and happy with the result/price etc.? I have not obtained quotes yet but my hunch is that even if plaster materials are cheaper, the fact it can be done in one day vs multiple visits might make it cost effective when compared to drywall. I dont know about the other materials needed for the job. I was in home depot the other day and saw that drywall and blueboard are the same price. One thing I dont know about is the price of materials. If desired, the plaster can even be tinted saving you the time/expense of painting. The joint compound has to dry and the next day has to be sanded and then re-applied. Unlike drywall which requires multiple visits.
#Veneer plaster install
My understanding is a typical 2 coat veneer plaster install can be done in one day. We appreciate the mold resistance of plaster vs drywall too. We have seen some horrible drywall jobs with nails popping and sloppily mudded joints. We like the smooth ding/scratch resistant surface, the acoustic isolation, fire resistance and overall feel to the touch. Whereas in other areas, plaster is more expensive due to it falling into a niche trades and seen more as a luxury. We live in NH where there a considerable plaster tradition and a good amount of plaster contractors operating so this area may work into our favor. Considering a veneer plaster over blueboard in our home improvement plans and want to know if anybody chose plaster over typical mud & tape drywall.