In the previous versions of our products for report creation, a variable of the List type couldn`t be the parent variable only the Value type could be. Now you can create dependent variables not only for each type but also for their combinations.Ī dependent variable is a variable with the values dependent on the selected value in the main variable. You used to be able to do it with the variables of the Value type only. NET Core 3.0 platform for Stimulsoft Reports.Web and Stimulsoft Dashboards.WEB. What I want to end up with is the date only to which I can compare and see if that due date is within the next 3 months. The second string indicates something has not yet been completed and is due on that date. In the 2021.3 release, we have expanded the capabilities of variables for this type.įirstly, we have added the capability, which allows you to create dependent variables. Starting with the version 2020.1, we have added support for the. The first string indicates something was completed this day. When loading the data I extract the month from the date, SUBSTRING (CONVERT (VARCHAR (11), DateCreated, 113), 4, 3) AS DateCreatedMMM, so I have a field that holds the month e.g. I try this: StiWebViewer1.ServerReportName 'Sedi' But it did not work. I cannot seem to get a way to display months of the year along the x-axis. Now I want to set Report filename that used in export, for example when I export the report to pdf.default name is Report(1).pdf.And I want to change it to Sedi.pdf. The table below shows a list of functions and their brief description and examples. All elements of the Function category are divided into groups. This category contains the elements using which you can calculate a specific total or return the desired value. In this article, you will know about the variables of the List type and the changes we have made. I make a report in Stimulsoft by using Stiwebviewer I show it in aspx file. Getting MySQL today’s date using built-in date functions. Report Internals > Functions Functions The data dictionary has the Functions category.
Today we start a series of articles about a new version of products with new capabilities of variables.

Let`s start with the fact that the variables in the designer are of different types: In version 2021.3 of Stimulsoft Reports and Stimulsoft Dashboards, we have added new functions and features, which will make your work on report and dashboard creation faster and more effective. In version 2021.3 of Stimulsoft Reports and Stimulsoft Dashboards, we have added new functions and features, which will make your work on report and dashboard creation faster and more effective.